Watchmen impressiona.
E, de repente, hoje todos adormeceremos muito melhor – no caso deste post estar a ser lido pela manhã, o acordar terá um outro ânimo. Devin Faraci, do Chud, site que concorre ali com o /Film e AICN pelo título do mais geek sobre a sétima arte, traz-nos uma critica extremamente positiva sobre Watchmen, de Zack Snyder. Aliás, até agora, o filme tem recebido muito mais elogios do que apupos. E, alguns dos louvores têm sido farfalhudos. Mas, ainda não se tinha visto nada como isto. Deixemos aqui o inicio da mega consideração de Faraci.
“If nothing else, Zack Snyder's Watchmen demands praise as an awe-inspiring achievement. Snyder has done what many considered impossible - he took Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's seminal comic book, Watchmen, and turned it into a movie. And not just a movie; Snyder hasn't created some processional of images or a living audio book. He's made a film that feels like a living, breathing thing all its own while also being - almost completely - the book. Snyder's Watchmen captures the themes and the meanings and the characters that Moore and Gibbons created but makes them his own, turning the movie from being simply an adaptation into something that feels closer to collaboration.
Had he only done that, Snyder would have earned a positive review from me. But he does more; Snyder had crafted a movie that flirts with honest to God greatness, that doesn't just capture the events of the comic but also the humanity and the emotion. It's a remarkable film, and an uncompromising one. It's the sort of movie that major studios are simply not supposed to be making now that the 1970s are over. Watchmen doesn't hold your hand and walk you through the story; in fact Snyder's movie dares the audience to keep up, demanding something much, much more than the passive viewing experience so many expect when watching even the best superhero movies”.
Não era preciso mais nada. Bastava aquela frase, It's the sort of movie that major studios are simply not supposed to be making now that the 1970s are over. Zumba. No final, 9 em 10. Em nota de rodapé, recorde-se que Faraci foi aquele tipo que esteve perto de detestar The Dark Knight; depois de até ter-lhe reconhecido algumas coisas engraçadas, e, no final, veio a considerá-lo como candidato a uma nomeação para o Oscar de Melhor Filme. Mas, não deixemos que isso perturbe o entusiasmo causado por esta crítica.
Alvy Singer
Etiquetas: Watchmen, Zack Snyder
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